What We Do
Covenant Community Care‘s mobile dental team consists of board-certified dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants. We work in concert to provide preventative dental care. These services include dental examinations, x-rays, cleanings, sealants, flouride treatments, oral hygiene instruction, and oral health education opportunities for children and adults. At select sites, extractions and fillings can be done. Our mobile team will bring all essential dental equipment and supplies to the requesting site. An indoor open space with access to water and electricity is all we need and our team will do the rest!
Who We Serve
The Mobile Team currently cares for students at 64 Headstart locations, 17 Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) schools, and 5 non-DPSCD schools. The Team also takes dental services to community-based organizations when they are not working in schools, including the Pope Francis Center, an agency focused on providing meals, supportive services, crisis response, and housing assistance to Detroit community members in need, especially those experiencing homelessness, and The Noah Project, an organization that serves as a central hub for services, resources, and relationships for individuals on the path to stable housing.
Cost for Services
There will be no out of pocket cost for services provided. If the patient has dental insurance, we will bill the insurance company directly. This includes Medicaid; if duplicate services are obtained at another dental office, insurance benefits may be affected. If the patient has no dental coverage, the services are provided free of charge.
Why Participate?
Covenant’s mobile dental program is professional, convenient, and adheres to the highest level of infection control, safety and care. By bringing our dental services to the community site location, dental care is made accessible to those who need it most. Participation will promote quality oral health while removing barriers to dental care. For school-aged children, oral health and school success are connected. Kids miss 51 million hours of school every year due to oral health problems (most of which could have been prevented). When kids are absent from school because of dental problems, they may have a harder time learning to read and may get lower grades than kids with healthy teeth. Kids with dental problems may have more trouble smiling, speaking, sleeping and learning at school. Help your child show up for school every day healthy and ready to learn by developing good oral health habits early!
How to Sign Up
Participants must meet income-based guidelines and complete a consent form. Each consent form is valid for one calendar year. Contact the mobile team manager for more detailed information.
What If Further Dental Care Is Needed?
If advanced care services are required, Covenant has two full-service family dental clinics. They are located near the intersection of Michigan Ave and Junction Ave in Southwest Detroit, and Moross Rd. and I-94 on Detroit’s Eastside. Community-based patients can schedule appointments by contacting this program directly, or by contacting the Covenant Dental Clinic of their choice. Lyft transportation is provided at no charge to qualifying patients.